
Photography is an art
It’s about finding extra-ordinary
In an ordinary place
Mel Lindstrom is a an award winning commercial advertising photographer. The majority of his work is created for large corporate clients through advertising agencies.
Involved in all aspects of art from painting to poetry at an early age, Mel
developed the eye for composition and form that soon lead to the skillful
lighting techniques used in his photography. Having attended The Art Center
in Pasadena CA on an advanced standing, Mel now enjoys his work and family life in the San Francisco Bay Area.
After an extraordinary life journey over the last few years, Mel’s latest passion is shooting intense, artistic personality portraits of people that inspire him. That can be anyone from politicians, entrepreneurs, artists, or even construction workers or prison inmates. “I love looking into the essence of the human being and finding a express the emotion in a still image”.
Mel maintains a strong focus on old school photographic mastery in lighting, composition and technical expertise. Striving to keep a heavy involvement with both the artistic and technical details.
The list of awards number over 300, but include best of shows, ADDY’s, C.A. Magazine many more.
The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.

Mel Lindstrom Photography