Awards 2013 The Communicator Awards 2 – Excellence, 1 – Distinction Silicon Valley Ad Club (Local ADDYs) 2 – Judges ADDY. 1 – Silver, 1 – Bronze Regional ADDYs 2 – Silver APA Something Personal 1- Selection Awards 2012 ISO 1200 Magazine Write-up Associate of Marketing and Communication Professionals write-up. MarCom Awards 3 – Platinum, 2 -Gold Davey Awards 1 – Gold, 1 – Silver APA Something Personal 1- Selection […]
I was in discussion with a friend who has a yoga studio. She is struggling these days, as I am sure you can imagine. While explaining to me how she felt the great need for people to do yoga for both mind and body fitness, especially right now, I tried to imagine a way to get this point across. So I came up with this image. I will offer it free to anyone who wants to help promote their yoga […]
I have been working on a series for a few years, where I juxtapose the human figure against architectural shapes and forms. Last week we were in the studio experimenting with a new camera system. Unfortunately the system did not work the way it was supposed to. But we ended up capturing some wonderful shots. FYI – that’s a model, not me. For those people who may be getting confused…..
Years ago, I used to grab my camera and go out in the early mornings or late afternoons with a friend of mine, Ron Shirley. We might go to the mountains or ocean, or we might go to the inner city. We would make the trips to do what we referred to as “Exercising the Eye”. Which basically meant that we did not set out to capture any particular image, only to look for the beauty in the world and […]
I just completed doing a demo on retouching, using a shot I took a couple years ago. These days, it’s a requirement to be knowledgeable in retouching if you want to be a commercial photographer. I don’t do all of the retouching myself for commercial projects. Not that I do not know how, it’s more a matter of not always having the free time. But since basically ever shots you see in a magazine or even social media, has been […]
Located about 6 miles south of Marysville, Ca, the Arboga Assembly Center Memorial was a WWll Japanese detention campsite. The original center opened on May 8, 1942, holding 2,465 Americans of Japanese descend before its closing on June 29. The inmates then were transferred to the more permanent and isolated interment camp at Tule Lake. Many Japanese-Americans never recovered their belongings or reconnected with their families. And most lost their livelihood and had to start over. I like to look […]
I shot these images in late November, in Marysville CA. Marysville is a small town, north of Sacramento, that I have fallen in love with. It was almost chosen as the state capitol. And was once a destination for politicians and B&W film stars. The people are down to earth and friendly, and the hamlet is surrounded by two rivers and farmlands. It’s America at its best. IMHO St Joseph’s Church was built 165 years ago, making it one of […]
I am really having a lot of fun playing with my new Mavic Mini drone these days. It’s so small and compact, hence easy to carry with me on any trip. It is true that the quality doesn’t match the Mavic Pro 2, but these shots are just for fun, to show the beauty of the world from different angles than a camera on the ground. Like flying around flocks of birds. This was shot in a rice field in […]
I plan to shoot more bridge shots because there are several around the SF Delta that are interesting. If you know of any, please let me know. It’s just a fun thing for me to do and train my drone skills. I wake up before sunrise, find a spot in the cold, get pooped on by seagulls, or splashed on by fish, or honked at and nearly run over by semi’s. And let’s not forget getting kicked out by the […]
It’s nice to just get away. Lucky for me, beautiful Carmel is less than a two hour drive away. And even though the recent fires still fill the skies with smoke, the sunset and ocean waves always makes for a soothing and picturesque escape. Only one of the stills was shots with the Nikon. The others were from the iphone. Can you tell which one is which? I saw this couple relaxing and couldn’t resists capturing the […]

Mel Lindstrom Photography