This video shows just how devastating the recent California fires have been. It was shoot more than a month ago, about August 28th. With the help of a few friends, I was able to view the destructive force of mother nature. It’s truly saddening for someone who enjoys the outdoors as much as I do. The SCU Lightning Complex fire is not even the largest that has taken place in California this year. 2020 is the worse year in history […]
I enjoy shooting people. But sometimes, when I am on location, I find other objects so interesting that I feel compelled to shoot them. Maybe I can used them as a background or something interesting as part of a future creation. For me, if I see something cool looking, I just want to shoot it. Even without the person that is supposed to be in the shot. These images were from a 2 day location video shoot. […]
Quick iphone shots from our day in Pacific Grove. The smoke from all the fires was still in the air, mixed with fog and clouds. Made for a cool, but a beautiful day.
The quality of shots that can be captured by using the iphone never ceases to amaze me. These images were shot this morning on a hike at the Fremont estuary. I did enhance them via photoshop, but still, pretty impressive.
When you are the parent of an autistic child, you get used to some unusual requests. While most parents of teens who are graduating High School will hear desires for Disneyland trips, or even cars. Matthew wanted to ride elevators and the tram in Denver. That’s right, DENVER. So that’s what we did.
I have been visiting a small town called Marysville for about a year and a half. It’s a wonderful area with good ol’ down to earth people. The weather was a bit warm this trip, but it sure made from great sunsets.
Another beautiful morning walk, close to home. Shot with an iphone.
Took the kids to Pigeon Point Lighthouse this morning. Before the tourist arrive. Beautiful area.
So lucky to live in an area with beautiful hill to walk in. Especially since our lives are limited as to where we can go because of the virus.

Mel Lindstrom Photography