
ADDY Regional Update

__________________________________________________________________________________________     Here’s a little update. Just got word that two of the Local ADDY winners just went on to won Silver awards at the regional’s.  Next is National’s.

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ADDY Award Winners

  I am a bit behind on this, since the awards show was in early March, but it’s been a busy month. Two ADDY trophy’s, one Silver and one Bronze.         THE ADDY’s The ADDY Awards Competition is a three-tier national competition conducted annually by the American Advertising Federation. The ADDY Awards Competition is the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition for creative excellence The annual Silicon Valley Ad Club ADDY Awards Competition recognizes exceptional advertising […]

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Ronnie Lott is In The House

  Since I am known first and foremost as a people photographer, and my main studio is located in the heart of the SOMA district of San Francisco,  it can be expected that I have been lucky enough to photograph many players from both past and present 49er’s teams.   Recently I was on a shoot with Ronnie Lott, 4 time Super Bowl champion.  I have actually worked with him before so I know what a wonderful humanitarian and inspiring […]

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Elevator Licking – The New Craze?

Is Elevator Licking really the new craze? Of course not, that’s just gross. But unfortunately that’s what I caught my son doing on a recent elevator excursion. Yuck! is the only appropriate word that suffices. Other than the reactionary words of a father – “get away from there, and don’t ever do that again”!   For those who wonder what this is about: I have an on going photo essay with my oldest son Matthew, who is hooked on elevators. […]

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2012 Awards

1 – APA Something Personal 1 – Gold, 1 – Silver,  Davey Awards 3 – Platinum, 2 – Gold,   MarCom Awards   Yes, this list is much shorter this year than previous years. The reason is simple, I just didn’t have the free time to enter images in the various awards shows.  It takes a lot of time and effort. Usually it’s worth it because you get to attend fancy dinner parties and socialize with other creatives. Also there is […]

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Last day of 2012 – Worst Day of 2012

  At least that was the case for my oldest son Matthew, who is hooked on elevators. We have traveled all around, and anyplace we go we need to visit the local elevators. He knew that we were going to San Diego between Christmas and New Years, so he discovered a very rare diagonal elevator that he was excited to visit. My other son was looking forward to the real reasons for the trip, to see my family and go […]

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APA Something Personal

Every year the San Francisco chapter of the American Photographic Artists, hosts a very larger juried photo show. In fact, it always ends up being their best attended event of the year. The show is geared towards the personal images taken by commercial photographers. The work is always PHENOMENAL, and truly inspiring. More than 1000 prints are submitted, but the final selection is limited to only 100 finals. I always feel lucky to have some of my own work selected […]

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Matthew is a Professional Model

He is actually a great actor, or at least I can say that he can really get into it. Pretty amazing for and autistic child. He loves participating, but he does have a limited time limit before he acts out in his full Prima Donna mode. I love working with him though.  Here he is in an older shot, but in a recent new ad design. And no, that’s not me next to him. That’s a paid model who people […]

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New Valley Girl Production

I always enjoy working with The Valley Girl crew. The show is well thought out and the crew moves through the production quickly with a lot of fun to boot.   People always think we shoot shots in real living rooms or kitchens or whatever it may seem, so I like to show a birds eye view to demonstrate what really makes a video set. And why it is so much easier to light in a studio than on location.  

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Yes, I do this every weekend

  It’s true. Although it may not be what you think. While I know it’s wise for a photographer to share his latest work, since my weekends are typically consumed with something else, I felt like sharing more about the reality of life. At least my life.   Briefly: every weekend I need to split up capsules of medications and supplements for my son Matthew. Usually it takes 2-3 hours of extra time per weekend to prepare his weekly supplement […]

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