I always enjoy working with The Valley Girl crew. The show is well thought out and the crew moves through the production quickly with a lot of fun to boot. People always think we shoot shots in real living rooms or kitchens or whatever it may seem, so I like to show a birds eye view to demonstrate what really makes a video set. And why it is so much easier to light in a studio than on location.
It’s true. Although it may not be what you think. While I know it’s wise for a photographer to share his latest work, since my weekends are typically consumed with something else, I felt like sharing more about the reality of life. At least my life. Briefly: every weekend I need to split up capsules of medications and supplements for my son Matthew. Usually it takes 2-3 hours of extra time per weekend to prepare his weekly supplement […]
Hey, it’s always nice to get a little recognition. Especially when it is from one of the largest industry communities in the world The AMCP – Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. I don’t know when this was posted, but I just came across if while doing a Google search for some images. Thanks AMCP **************************************************************************************************************************** WOW, another surprise when doing a search. Another write-up. this time on the video that was shot of the project from […]
The Valley Girl web show is totally fun. Great crew to work with. This was a week long shoot, filled with local Bay Area entrepreneurs. Jesse Draper is the host of the show and she is quite dedicated. But Jon, the producer, was the person who really put in all the groundwork for me and the crew. And boy, look at that set! Next time, though, I am breaking out Margaritas at the end.
Working with one of my favorite producers, Mike Kaney, on a caveman video for Koding. I was just asked to direct because Mike felt I could pull something out of the non-pro actors that wouldn’t be seen otherwise. I am glad he has such faith in me. I think the reason I can do that is because I am more willing than most to push myself even into an embarrassing spot, in order to get the shot. As […]
Got to shoot some great pick-up shots for the 4th Street Video today. Naomi Hummel worked extra hard for me on this shoot. Aerialists do dangerous work. So the crew and I spent 4 hours putting up special rigging. Pipes, bolted to other pipes, tied into the ceiling, braced by high rollers, tied to sandbags, counter balanced by wood framing, etc…… She came in, took one look and said, “tear it down”. It was too complicated and looked […]
Some shoots are just more fun than others. It was great to have a very talented Austin Powers impersonator in the studio for a shoot for TMG. This is just a screen capture of the video we shot. I hope to have a secondary roll of the video up on the website soon. Shooting photographs is different than directing video. When working with actors on still photography, I speak directly to the models as I am shooting them. […]
We had a great time shooting outdoor stills and video for Altec. Being outdoors on a beautiful day really makes one appreciate both the career choice and living in California. We were working with Valerie from Altec. She is one of those healthy people who runs like 20 miles ever morning or something like that. Looks healthy, eats healthy, is healthy. So she had no problem trenching through the fields helping to carry equipment. So I wasn’t embarrassed […]
Natalie is a wonderful pop signer. Loved having her in the studio. I do enjoy shooting celebrities. Even more than that, I truly enjoy taking photographs of people who are full of talent that can be recognized as future celebrities. Natalie and I got along famously. Just a full pleasure working with her because she love’s what she does. As do I. So we ended up taking much longer on this session than I imagined. But neither one […]
Out in Denver Colorado on a video shoot for Borax. Cool Lab for Rio Tinto. Check out that very intense camera operator. SO L.A. . . . . this was more of a commercial video than a creative body of work. But traveling out of town always bring on extra work and extra fun. the extra working is getting together the crew and equipment and making certain everything you need is there on location when you need it. […]

Mel Lindstrom Photography