Monthly:February 2011
Taking a ride doing PS work on an old piece for Custom Chrome. They make cool, after market motorcycle parts. All chrome or course. We shots this in an area I was not even aware of. An old highway running through the Fremont Hills. Walkie Talkies are a must on a shoot like this. And I hate to give away the real secret to doing crisp, sharp car and motorcycle shots in low light situation like this, because […]
I am so lucky to have great kids. We were just on a short trip to Grandma and Papas house. While walking at the local park, Adi, just created his own perfect stock shot. All I needed to do was snap the shutter. Which I did. Lucky for me I had a camera at hand. No client for this piece yet, but I am sure there will be.
My friends at PureMatter are a great, fun group of people. Shooting with them makes the entire day a fun experience. One where you just don’t want the day to end. But I really wanted to get across the difference retouching makes. Even on a very simply shot. They loved the shot as it was taken when they left the studio. But I think, after I showed them a before and after with quality retouching, they ccould see […]

Mel Lindstrom Photography