Monthly:February 2012
The Law foundation is one of my favorite clients. Love helping out these good folk. This video just shows a lighting and movement test with a terrible stand in model. I just couldn’t get this guy to smile. And boy does he need some make-up…. The Law Foundation is one of those project where I am asked to work with Real People, trying to get them to feel comfortable being in front of the camera with a pretty […]
Finally found the perfect snack food. It never goes bad, insects will have nothing to do with it. And it tastes oh so good. I assume. Too bad the place was closed so I didn’t get a chance t find out. Actually, we were on Spring Break with the kids in Santa Cruz. I came across this stand and HAD to shoot it. I really did want to try a deep fried Twinkie, just to see what it […]

Mel Lindstrom Photography