Monthly:July 2024
There exists a chasm in the compassion of human beings. A distance between the way we should treat others and the way most people actually do. Much like in autism, it’s a spectrum. But it’s always nice when you meet someone who understands the simplicity of a request to joy ride elevators. Most are curious. Some are annoyed. Others will just refuse to break protocol. Those are the personalities we meet most often. That’s why it is eternally nice to […]
As many people know, people with autism get fixated on certain things. My son is fixated on elevators. Where ever we travel, Matthew has to visit the local elevators. We don’t need to guess where good ones might be, he has already done his research and knows where they are. He knows the fastest elevators, the highest, the standard as compared to the Miconic. Don’t know what a miconic elevator is? Neither did I until Matthew told me. But when […]

Mel Lindstrom Photography