Monthly:March 2012
Natalie is a wonderful pop signer. Loved having her in the studio. I do enjoy shooting celebrities. Even more than that, I truly enjoy taking photographs of people who are full of talent that can be recognized as future celebrities. Natalie and I got along famously. Just a full pleasure working with her because she love’s what she does. As do I. So we ended up taking much longer on this session than I imagined. But neither one […]
Out in Denver Colorado on a video shoot for Borax. Cool Lab for Rio Tinto. Check out that very intense camera operator. SO L.A. . . . . this was more of a commercial video than a creative body of work. But traveling out of town always bring on extra work and extra fun. the extra working is getting together the crew and equipment and making certain everything you need is there on location when you need it. […]
We are so lucky to live in California. I took the family on a trip to the coast to see the baby elephant seals. The docents wont allow people go close anymore to the seals or pups anymore. But there are some great sand dunes close at hand, that make for great images.

Mel Lindstrom Photography