Henkel Interior Diving Platform?

The Henkel Corporation is a huge, international company. They produce many well known brands. Such a enormous conglomerate would no doubt be filled with stuffy people in stuffy white lab coats strolling around a stuffy, cubical filled corporate office – right? Maybe not.
Look close at this image. There is no support pole for the interior stairs to the next level.
This is the small pole that supports the stairway system from above.
Now you might think from these shots that I was on an architectural shoot. But since I am a people photographer, I was hired for a full day of shooting group portraits. When I arrived at the Henkel headquarters in Scottsdale Arizona, I was astonished with the incredible building and wonderful people we met.
The building was a work of art. So cool that I had to take some time after the real shoot to try and capture the unique and fun design of the building. I really could have spent all day there shooting the building.
OK – We did have some fun working with these “stuffy corporate servants”.
With guns-a-blazon’ and whips-a-snapping, we laughed and had a great day. Oh yeah, we shot plenty of portraits on white too. I mean, that is what I was there for……………..
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Mel Lindstrom Photography