Catherine Mohr – Da Vinci Device

The Da Vinci Device. A totally cool, futuristic robotic surgical machine.
I was contacted by Fairfax magazines out of New Zealand to shoot a unique portrait of Catherine Mohr, the Director of Research at Intuitive Medical.
The people Intuitive Medical were amazingly inspiring because, like Catherine, they are all passionate about their jobs and the future of surgical procedures. The overriding theme seems to be to constantly ask the question: “How can we improve this procedure next time?”.
Since this large device basically mimics a surgeons hand, I thought of putting the device behind Catherine with her hand properly lit in the foreground.
I also found out the the Da Vinci Device is now being used at an out of the way Hostel in Romania. Free stay there also.
Just kidding. Dont stay at any hostel that has a Da Vince Device. Unless you want to be the start of the next horror movie…
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Mel Lindstrom Photography